It's that time of year. Time to reflect and say, "How the heck did it get to be mid June already? How are we already halfway through 2017?
Where did the time go?" 

Sound familiar? 

What if you took a different approach this time and used this kind of  "wake up to your life" mindfulness moment to do a self check-in vs. spending more time talking about having no time to do what you want to do and instead making more time to do what you want and who you want to be?

The cool thing about a self check-in is remebering and taking action toward what and how you want your life to feel and BE, as part of living your best, healthiest, happiest, balanced, most fulfilled and inspired life. The other great result is that we're reminded that it's never too late.

It's living more mindfully vs.mindlessly on auto-pilot. Sound better than how you feel today?

The result is that you remember that either you once believed you could or you just needed to slow down and mindfully believe that you can do or try that thing, fulfill that dream, live that (new) life and BE who you aspire to be!

As Theodore Roosevelt is so notably credited for saying,
"Believe You Can, And You're Halfway There!" 

 We're halfway there. At least halfway through 2017. And you're halfway point has to be worth something, right?
So, what are your beliefs surrounding your halfway point?
What are some of the mindfuly, positive choices, experiences and small steps ("Bites") you''ve taken this year along your journey? Celebrate them!

As you conduct your self checkin with the 5 questions below, mindfully prime yourself to fully be open to the process of your Self-Checkin and ask consider these 3 questions with each of the 5 Self-Checkin Questions:

1. Could I have false beliefs holding me back from where I want to be at this point?
2. Do I have limiting beliefts that are holding me back from who I want to be and how I want to live my life?
3. Am I feeling stuck or am I perserving embracing change with resialance and thriving in my life?

5 Questions To Ask Yourself and Reflect Upon For Your Self-Checkin:
1. Are you where you set out in January to be at this point?
If you attended one of my Vision Board Workshops or created a Vision Board on your own, have you taken action to put creative visualization to work in your life since you made your vision board?

2. How Is Your "To Be" List Going? In addition to your ongoing daily grind of a "To Do" list, have you made your "To Be" list and practiced BEcoming more of WHO you want to be?

3. Identify and Re-Evaluate Your Life Goals/2017 Goals, Aspirations and Dreams
Are you out of balance, disconnected or do you feel grateful and fulfilled in these core areas of your life?
Health and Wellness
Famiy & Friends
Love and Relationships
Hobbies, Travel & Leisure
Spirituality, Faith, Connection

4. Are limiting beliefs getting in your way? Let Go of Limiting Beliefs & Reframe Into Affirming Beliefs. Remember, believing is what gets us half way there! Declare an Affirmation "as if" you're already all the way there, to where and who you want to be. 

 5. What is one thing you can do today to move closer to where and who you want to be? Remember, what we do everyday matters more than what we do every once in a while! Identify and DO just one thing, one action step and take it "one bite at a time"  moving through the rest of June.

I believe in you and am always rooting for you. Cheers to you and believing in where you are now and who you want and can be moving forward!
One Bite At A Time.

With Love and Light, Susan