It's that scary time of year when Halloween candy is around every corner, every office and most homes. Those bite sized mini treats may seem harmless in their small packages, but BEWARE - each bite-sized candy you treat yourself to can add up to excess sugar consumption and weight gain, especially if you find yourself mindlessly noshing on 2-3 throughout the day!
We all know the scary part of the holiday season starts with Halloween candy, then transitions into Thanksgiving indulgences then Christmas/December holiday feasts, sweets and treats. And that millions of American's find themselves gaining weight during the holidays and then spending the next year trying to lose it...........year after year.
So, let's just start with how to get through Halloween. Here are my 5 Tricks to Have a Healthy Balance With Halloween Treats:
1. For each treat or piece of candy you consume, commit to perform a specified amount of activity, such as 1-2 minutes of jumping jacks, mountain climbers or burpees or 20 squats, pushups, lunges or situps (or 1 Round of all of these).
2. Take a 10 minute walk after each piece of candy
3. Eat 2 additional servings of veggies for each piece of candy consumed
4. Step away from the sugary, processed candy treats altogether and prep for and load up on fruit to snack on at home, work and on the go.
5. Pick one day for the week to enjoy your favorite treat and mindfully savor each bite, one bite at a time.