Plant Based Foods

Plant Based Foods

As you prepare by menu planning (and grocery shopping accordingly) for the week ahead choose foods made from a  plant and not in a plant/factory. Think about it - when we eat foods made from a plant - vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds, healthy grains (quinoa, brown rice), there is no ingredient label to have to read and worry about the artificial, processed, energy-sucking fake ingredients added. And there isn't a Nutrition Facts Label to indicate if the food is nutrient dense and healthy for us. Like one of my favorite foods, an Avocado is grown and just a delicious food of healthy fats, fiber and protein!

So try for this week, eating as many whole foods made from a plant and not in a package or box with an ingredient label. Notice how you FEEL at the end of the day and end of the week when adding in more of these real, plant-based foods and eating less foods made in a plant/factory.

Creating a Lifestyle of Health and Fitness, "One Bite At A Time"