Restaurants are making it easier to dine out more healthfully. And, they really do WANT to please you and are usually accommodating when asking for healthier modifications to menu items. So for anyone  who still thinks it is not okay to ask, let it go and know it is in fact ok and important to speak up for your health! Here are my Top 10 Tips to Eat Cleaner When Dining Out:

  1. Look for or Ask for Grilled, Baked or Broiled Lean Meats and Seafood
  2. Ask for Side of Veggies and Substitute White Starchy Sides with Veggies or 100% Whole Grains such as Quinoa
  3. "86" or hold the butter on the veggies and other food items typically drenched in butter and saturated fat
  4. To avoid temptation and overindulgence (thus that bloated, sick feeling) - tell the server you won't be needing the bread or the chips basket brought to the table
  5. Modify salads by holding the croutons, creamy dressings (Ranch, Blue Cheese, French), excess cheese
  6. Choose Olive Oil and Vinaigrette for a delicious salad dressing vs. creamy, high fat dressings
  7. Consider splitting a meal or asking for a To Go box when your food arrives to portion out a large meal for the next day's lunch and to avoid consuming excessive calories
  8. Order a side salad with an added protein such as grilled chicken or fish
  9. Look for non-cream based soups such as a chicken tortilla or black bean soup - hold the white crackers, cheese and sour cream
  10. Drink water - while waiting for your meal and after. (Step away from the soda!)