
When is the last time you slowed down to just BE, to Take 2 and Breathe it all in and Let Go?
We live in a culture and society that thrives on busyness. A GO-GO-GO mentality of extreme multi-tasking, seeking out the quick fix and the fastest route to get somewhere or something.

Ever notice that when you slow down to eat and chew your food all the way or consume alcohol and really savor your drink, you're less likely to overeat (and gain weight) or consume too many alcoholic beverages (and feel crappy)?
Or when rushing to get somewhere by car you hit every red light, "signaling" you to just slow down? Or on a larger scale, when chaos is happening at work or home and you go in crisis mode and emotionally react and go for the Band-Aid quick fix approach that creates more work and stress and ultimately takes longer to resolve, feel better and sort things out?

I've been personally experimenting with practicing the benefits of slowing down in all areas of my life. As someone who is hardwired to constantly be on the go, multitask everything and speeding through to check it off the list and on to the next thing,
I've learned that what ancient Chinese philosopher and writer Lao Tzu taught us, "By letting go, it all gets done" can be true in all areas of life. For when we slow down and let go, we automatically become more mindful, more purposeful, thus more productive, efficient and effective and everything seems to flow easier and better, right into place.

When we slow down, miraculously, the extra weight starts to come off, the To Do List gets done, conflicts get resolved, the ideas and solutions appear with more clarity, and stress melts away. With each slowed breath and mindful action, life flows easier, we get the results we want quicker and all becomes well in our world. I've seen it to be true in my own busy, fast-paced life and you can benefit from slowing down too.

Whether you're trying to lose unwanted pounds, cut back on drinking, become more organized, tackle a big project or simply be more present in your life, try taking a deep breath and slowing it down.
It's one of those things that you have to see it (or experience it) to believe it.

The picture shown is of the last flower bouquet my husband gave me, a week before he died. This beautiful  arrangement of aromatic red roses was waiting for me when we walked into our hotel room in Nashville, TN for our weekend anniversary trip. The Tuesday after our long weekend when we were packing up to head back home, Trent peeked around the corner of our car and said with a grin, "there aren't room for these roses, babe." I quickly responded, "well then we'll have to make room!." We were running behind and had been rushing to pack the car and get on the road. Finding a place for the vase of roses to sit upright without spilling over took a bit of maneuvering.

It would have been the quick fix to leave the roses behind
, but something in me really wanted to keep enjoying those roses and bring them back home with us. This would turn out to be a game changing decision. Just three days later, Trent suddenly passed away. For days, this vase of red roses lived on in my kitchen, reminding me of his love and bringing me comfort in darkest of hours.
Today, almost four years later, the lesson of slowing down to make room for the roses continues to remind me to slow down and smell the roses everywhere I go.

As you practice this week's Wellness Bite of slowing down, take time to pause and slow get outdoors and just breathe. To slow down everything you're doing and be more present and mindful in your daily life. To stop along your path and just smell the roses. And then pay attention to how you feel and how life starts to flow.

Cheers to you, slowing down, getting there easier & quicker and BEing who you really want to be! One Bite At A Time.

With Love and Light, Susan