Park Bench Lunge


This is an update to the Spring Cleaning Tips I posted in April as some of you said you missed these tips thinking the title "Supercharge Your Spring Cleaning" literally meant cleaning tips vs. clean eating tips! So, update to the title and still fitting for Summer. I hope this offers some fit tips to help supercharge your Summer Fitness - enjoy!

As I continue to be INSPIRED BY all of the Spring Cleaning Challengers who are making clean and healthy eating choices and creating a new lifestyle of living a healthier life for themselves and their families. For those of you living the Challenge, YOU ROCK and I'm so incredibly proud. Along with cleaning up our diets (again, diet meaning what we eat, not "being on a diet for short term weight loss"), Spring and Summer are the perfect times to Spring Clean our life in general and take a look at our overall fitness.

So here are my Top 15 Tips to help supercharge & revitalize your Summer Fitness efforts to improve your overall physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual fitness:

1. Check Your Digits & Schedule Your Annual Reviews -It's important to know your numbers - not just body weight, but cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. Schedule a checkup, or visit a health fair or clinic to ensure you are not at risk and if you are, what you can start doing (usually eating right and exercise) about it! Click here for more information:

Just like with your job, it's important to schedule Annual Reviews for your body:

Dermatologist - all over skin check. Skin Cancer is on the rise and is preventable and treatable if caught early!

Mammogram - Ladies, Check The Ta Ta's on a Regular basis and schedule a mammogram.

Colonoscopy - if you have a family history of colon cancer or if you are age 45+, it's a good idea to get checked.

Dentist - there's nothing like a good teeth cleaning. If you haven't been to the dentist in 6 months, it's time to schedule to keep on top of healthy gums and teeth and be sure they are also checking for any signs of mouth or tongue cancer.

Chiropractor - I recently discovered the unbelievable benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments and can personally attest to the health benefits and improvements from regular adjustments - it's not just for back and neck pain! Since our nervous system is responsible for the function of every cell, tissue and organ in our body, interference to the nervous system causes health problems, sometimes chronic and fatal! Look for a Wellness Chiropractor and schedule a complimentary consultation.

2. Try A New Fitness Class or New Sport - Grab a buddy or venture out on your own and sign up for the fitness class you've been thinking about (Yoga, Pilates, Boxing, Spinning, TRX, CrossFit, Karate) join a rec league, or schedule time with a Personal Trainer to help keep you on task.

3. Lace Up & Get Fitted - If it's been 6 months since you bought gym or running shoes, it's probably time for new ones. Even regular walking can cause wear and tear not only to the shoes  but to our feet and legs. Get fitted for the proper size and activity you will be doing most and revitalize your feet with new gym shoes.

4. Update Your Workout Wear - Dress the part and get more results! When we wear clothes designed for working out (No, not oversized t-shirts and sweats). Invest in a good hat/visor to wear outdoors when walking or exercising to protect your face from the sun.

5. Clean Out Your Pantry, Freezer & Fridge - Now is a good time to clear out any expired or processed boxed and packaged foods from your pantry, refrigerator and freezer. Be sure to remove refrigerator shelves and give them a good soak and scrub to ensure your fresh foods are in a clean environment.

6. Add Some Spice - after you clean out your pantry, invest in some new Spices like Cayenne Pepper, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Parsley, Garlic to add to your foods on a daily basis. Throw out any spice that is a year old and make room for new spices that add health benefits and are anti-inflammatory.

7. Replenish Sunscreen - now that you are spending more time outside, be sure to throw out last year's sunscreen as it does expire and buy new sunscreen with at least 30 SPF. Keep an extra bottle in your car and be sure to reapply.

9. Bring Out Your Inner Child Again - the nostalgia of being a kid again and playing outside from dusk til dawn - those were the good ole days but they don't have to be gone! Remember the simple joys of riding a bike, jumping rope, playing hop scotch, hula hoop or doing jumping jacks, playing tag and going for a swim? Bring out your Inner Child and have some fun on your own or make it a family affair.

10. Upgrade Your Water - have your water tested or invest in a Brita Filter Pitcher - add some fresh cut & squeezed lemons (No, not the fake lemon juice you can buy at the store) or other fruits to make your own flavored water naturally. Remember, to ensure you are getting enough water, drink your body weight divided by 2 ounces and drink more if you are outside in the heat.

11. Stop And Smell The Roses, Or the Fresh Air - Take time to pause and take deep breaths. Mediate or stretch and practice your breathing to re-energize and help release any stress.

12. Plant & Grow A Vegetable or Spice Garden - Grow your own vegetables or spice garden. Not only is it a healthy, natural way to eat well, but it's more affordable and will ensure you get outside to water and nourish your garden.

13. Support A Good Cause & Sign Up For An Event or Race - There are many community events in the Spring time, whether it's a fundraising walk or run, or a fitness event. Find one that sounds fun or that you are passionate about supporting and Sign Up!

14. Seasonal Donation - If you didn't wear it last season, you won't wear it this season. Take an hour or less and go through your closets, drawers and the family coat closet. If you didn't wear it this past Winter or Fall, you probably won't wear it again ever. Same for Spring and Sumer, if you didn't wear it last season, donate it or throw it away and simplify your space and your life!

15. Change Your Air Filter, Dust Blinds & Ceiling Fans and Check your Smoke Alarm Batteries - Breathe Easier and be sure to change your home's air filter, dust and clean things you may not normally clean such as blinds and ceiling fans. Be sure to check smoke and fire alarm batteries and review your exit plan in case of an emergency.

Happy Spring Cleaning  & Summer Super Charge- Rev Up Your Summer an Overall Fitness Tune Up, Because You Are Worth It!