Centered around empowerment, transformational growth, inspired living and overall
wellness - physical, emotional, mental, intellectual and spiritual, Susan devotes
her work to teaching others how to create healthy, mindful and sustainable
lifestyles through one-on-one and small group training, Yoga, meditation &
mindfulness classes, corporate wellness programs and empowerment lifestyle
If you're yearning for a healthier, happier, more inspired life and a better,
stronger, more energized & confident, fit and healthy YOU and a "No Judge,
Just Love Zone" or the commercial style gyms aren't for you, let's
schedule a Consultation, where it's all about you.
INSPIRED By Fitness, where it's one healthy choice at a time, one practice & one
workout and One Bite At A Time.
Check out which of Susan's speaker and workshop topics could benefit your organization: Susan's speaker and workshop topics