August Fitness Challenge

On this last day of the "July Squat and Plank Challenge", I am amazed and quite frankly blown away and INSPIRED BY my clients and everyone else who stepped up to the July INSPIRED BY FITNESS Challenge to progress and develop their Squats and Planks by performing 250 Squats and a 3:30 Plank!

I am also so proud of everyone who may not have progressed up to either 250 Squats or a 3:30 Plank but tried their best and became stronger and fitter simply by doing the best they could with enthusiasm and dedication to their personal progression and increased fitness levels which is what it's all about.

In addition to feeling stronger, leaner and more fit and healthy, it gave us a sense of accomplishment and for many it really showed us how strong we really are - emotionally and physically.

I encourage everyone to continue Squatting as a way of life and as part of an active lifestyle to preserve independent living and to keep up the Planking to preserve a strong core and back. As one of  my husband's  mantra's was "Squat For Life or Pay The Price" - carry on for your overall health, fitness and wellbeing. Just like the "Spring Cleaning Eating Challenge" we did in April - it's not a diet or a short term workout, but a lifestyle!

So as part of creating a lifestyle of health and keeping it fun, varied and evolving, I'm pleased to present you with the AUGUST PUSH UPS & DIPS, UPPER BODY STRENGTH CHALLENGE!

 If It sounds overwhelming or too much to bite off, remember - "How Do You Eat An Elephant? One Bite At A Time".

One Push Up At A Time and One Chair/Bench/Step Triceps Dip At A Time! 

IBF monthly challenge - AUG