August '14 Fitness Challenge I hope you had fun with the July Total Body Tabata Challenge, 4 Minutes A Day to improve your fitness! Part of the July Tabata Challenge goal was to help get you in the habit of daily exercise and helping you learn that you don't need to spend an hour at they gym to benefit from exercise! I've created the AUGUST SQUATS-PLANKS-CARDIO PROGRESSION CHALLENGE to continue to mix it up with developing our squatting and lower body strength, gaining core strength and definition with the variation in the planking and of course adding a burst of cardio to boost metabolism, kick start fat and calorie burn and keep us heart healthy. This Fitness Challenge is a progression challenge, with each week adding more squat reps and varying the type of squatting to recruit different muscle groups and keep it fresh, holding a plank a bit longer each week and alternating plank positions and adding time to the short bursts of cardio at the end.

As with all INSPIRED BY FITNESS Challenges, and unlike other programs that require you to buy exercise videos/DVDs, shakes or meal supplements/substitutes, the challenge is purely a fitness and clean eating challenge for optimum results and a lifestyle of health and fitness!

Clean Eating Challenge - Take the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge to Clean Up Your Diet, Lean Out and Increase Energy

Perform the daily challenge on it's own (1-5 Rounds per below) or before or after your planned workout, walk or jog. Just do something each day and learn how the little changes and movements do make a difference!

Beginners - Perform 1-2 Rounds of Each

Intermediate - Perform 2-3 Rounds of Each

Advanced (or anyone who wants to perform more rounds to push themselves) 3-5 Rounds of Each

Sundays are reserved for Meal Planning and Food Preparation for the week and for taking time to Stretch! See my Menu Planning Guide for an easy to use template to get started.

Menu Plan Guide - Lifestyle Tool to Menu Plan and Grocery Shop For The Week, Saving Money, Time & Stress During The Week With a Little Time Spent on The Weekend to Prepare for the Upcoming Week

Have fun with this month's challenge and remember, to take it "one bite at a time, one workout at a time

and one day at a time!"