
What if instead of quickly moving on from the Thanksgiving holiday right into the Christmas or Hanukkah holiday season, you paused each day to observe Thanksgiving? What would that look and feel like?
How would it feel to mindfully go to gratitude vs. stress during the hustle and bustle the December season often brings? To feel in control amongst the chaos? For many of us, the extra time and financial demands coupled with the self-induced pressures, obligations and expectations of the holiday season, creates stress and anxiety vs. peace and joy.
The good news is we have the power to control and change how we respond by practicing one simple habit. Gratitude. Well, gratitude along with a few deep breaths!
Inhaling the blessings for the overwhelming, overscheduled, overindulged experience vs. taking in stress-induced behaviors and emotions is an instant anti-stress tool. A powerful tool we all have within us - our internal power.
Here are 3 ways to practice thanksgiving (gratitude) overcome stress and create more peace and joy in your life this holiday season:
1. Declare An "I Am" Affirmation I Am grateful for _______________________ (this experience, the opportunity to, etc.) I Am blessed with _______________________ I Am at peace with __________________________ I Am Joyful

2. Practice Mindful Breathing - Take 3-5 Slow, Gentle Breaths (4 counts in, 4 counts out) in as you inhale peace, joy and gratitude and exhale letting go of any feelings of stress, resentment or anxiety.

3. Take it all One Bite At A Time - one holiday event/gathering, one shopping trip, one card, one decoration and one pressure, while acknowledging gratitude for each and every one.

If you participated in the 30 Day Gratitude Challenge, liked how it made you feel and it helped you, then continue on in December writing down what you're grateful for!


Our Thanksgiving matters every day, not just on the Thanksgiving holiday. I am thankful for you and sharing a part of our journey together. The fact that you're reading this is a blessing and a connection to each of our stories.  A journey that I've written about and am grateful to have finally completed in my first book, due out this December - "One Bite At A Time, A True Story of Transformational Change and 7 Life Lessons Learned to Help You Live Your Best, Healthiest, Happiest, Most Inspired Life".

I hope this week's Wellness Bite message and my upcoming book serves and inspires you along your journey, and throughout the holiday season.

With Love, Light & Gratitude, Susan