As part of eating a "Clean Diet" of real, whole, fresh foods and avoiding processed, fast foods, it's up to us - the consumer - to read and understand food ingredient labels. Here are a few of the most common additives and chemicals in the food manufactured on grocery shelves:

  • MSG (monosodium glutamate)
  • Artificial Sweeteners
  • Soy Protein Isolate (processed soy extract that causes cancer in animals)
  • Sodium and Calcium Caseinate (toxic dairy extract)
  • Phosphoric Acid (dipotassium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate)
  • Artificial Flavors (often containing MSG)
  • Carrageenan (can cause leaky gut and inflammation)
  • Colors and Dyes (yellow dye #5 or tartazine and others)
  • Sulfites (cause allergies and inflammation)
  • Nitrites and Nitrates (in processed and deli meats and causes cancer)

Remember - if you can't pronounce it and the list of ingredients is long (10+) it's not real food anymore but a chemically processed product!