Meditation isn't easy. Especially on those extra tough, emotionally draining days (or seasons made up of days, weeks or months!). It can be challenging to get still, let go and just "BE", but it's so worth it! And, like all good, fulfillig, uplifiting things worth having in your life, it takes courage, practice and work to obtain and achieve. 

I belive in the energizing healing power of meditation so much that I've made it the theme of this month's Weekly Wellness Bites. And, I continue to challenge myself along my own meditation journey to discover new, creative ways to fit in short mediations throughout the day, that will work in that moment, so I can share them with you and in my teaching, coaching and training. 

This morning was one of those extra challenging times. After strugging to get still and let go after repeatedly noticing my distracting thoughts as in me vs. as an observer and just not "feeling it" where I had planted my seat to mediate in my basement, I opened my eyes to see Rudy (our beloved Lab pictured above) watching me. I noticed how calm, relaxed and at peace he was just laying there in front of me, looking at me with his loving eyes.  Being "awakened to animals" as I share in my book (Chapter 5), I instantly connected with his calm energy of just BEING in the present, no worries and just love in his eyes.

Just above Rudy I noticed one of my favorite placques given to me by my friend Kathy a few years ago when I was going through difficulty with infertility and miscarrairages. 

Feeding off the calm energy of Rudy and the message of this inspiring verse, I refocused my attempt to meditate and took a deep breath in as I mindfully inhaled serenity, courage & wisdom and exhaled letting go of what I cannot change. Sipping on my coffee (who said you can't enjoy your coffee when meditating?)

Inspired by this shift in thought and energy, I then took myself, my coffee and my meditation outside so I could breathe in the fresh, crisp air as I settled into finding stillness and peace, and continued breathing in serenity, courage and wisdom. Although it was raining, I sat on my front porch, renewed, refreshed and revived after a few short minutes of this breathing meditation exercise. I created a new form of meditation by reframing and combining prayer, gratitutude, relaxing & energizing breath work, the outdoors and my morning coffee. The smell and sounds of the morning rain, the songs of the birds chirping and the breeze on my face were all nature's enhancements and part of the process. 

A reminder that "the formula is simple, but it ain't always easy," I changed what I could - my environment and my thoughts. 

Meditation becomes easier once we mindfully decide to let go and accept the things we cannot change, and bring in (inhale) the wisdom to "notice" the difference. This is meditation.

Thank you Rudy for reminding me to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change what I can and the wisdom to know the difference! 

Mediation is a process to be embraced and an ever changing journey. Just like in life, some days it's easier than others. So be gentle with yourself, remember my "no judge, just love" approach, find your flow and take it one meditation experiment at a time. 

One Meditaiton Practice, One Day and "One Bite At A Time."

With Love and Light, Susan