Who Do You Want To BE & How Do You Want To Be Remembered During COVID-19 Crisis?
As we navigate the everyday living changes, choices and challenges we’re all facing during this pandemic, it’s important to take a moment and ask ourselves:
1. Who do I want to be during this crisis?
2. How will I remember (and be remembered) how I responded in helping others?
We know that this too shall pass, and as it does, we’re moving toward a new normal. Hopefully better, kinder, more self-aware, empathetic and considerate of others.
In this global pandemic, we’re reminded that we are all connected on this earth and what each of us does matters, locally and globally.
As we become more in tune with our own personal health, we have the time and the privilege of impacting our overall health & wellbeing by seeking out ways to help our community. Community well-being is one of the essential elements of overall wellbeing and is directly correlated to improved heath.
Aren’t we all seeking ways to stay healthy right now?
So, What is Community Well-being?
The sense of engagement you have with the area you live. Liking where you live, feeling safe and having pride in your community – Gallup
Community directly impacts our sense of security and environment – neighborhood, town/city, county and state. Although each of us only makes up a tiny fraction of a society, it takes all of us to create community well-being.
If each of us did just one kind and supportive act for someone else in our community, then we would live in a very kind, supportive community.
In order to live in a healthy community, we too need to contribute to making a healthy community.
These skills help us feel like we're part of a thriving community that really supports one another and the world at large. When we practice community well-being, we become a part of something bigger than just ourselves.
During this time of uncertainty, we can all make a difference by seeking out ways to help others, give back and make a difference. Instead of spending hours scrolling social media, BE someone who makes a difference during this crisis
Now is the time to use your gifts, talents, hobbies, passions, and resources to give back and make a difference!
We all have gifts to share with the world – what are yours?
Imagine your impact - Is it through music, art, writing, reading, teaching, tutoring, pet therapy, lawn care or gardening, resume writing or job assistance, assisting the elderly, supporting a front line healthcare or service worker, a neighbor or needy, donating resources, blood or money?
“Do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
Each week since the COVID-19 global pandemic hit home in mid-March, I’ve identified one local organization to support, give back and donate. These are the places close to my heart that I’ve chosen, but there are many more out there.
What pulls on your heart strings? Click to learn more and see how YOU can help make a difference.
*If you or someone you know is in need of these critical support resources, see how these organizations can help you!
Second Helpings – support local food banks and children displaced from school meals
Fishers United Methodist Church Food Pantry – serving Hamilton County
K-Love (Radio) – Help ignite hope & encouragement during this crisis
Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana
The Julian Center – help is needed for the increase in domestic violence
Gleaner’s Food Bank of Indiana
The Salvation Army – help provide shelter to homeless, feed the hungry & rehabilitation services
Outside The Box - support for people with developmental disabilities
Tip List - Help local restaurants and servers financially survive
Here are other really great local community organizations working every day & in need of extra help and support during this time:
American Red Cross – Local Indiana Blood Donation Centers and Information
How & Where to help support & donate locally
Plus the many faith-based churches and organizations serving your community you can find online if you don’t have a church home
One Bite At A Time, We Will Get Through This Together.
Love, Susan