December 10 Min Challenge Calendar

How many times have you either heard someone say or have said yourself during the holidays and especially in December - "The holidays are  just so crazy and extra busy I don't have time" or "I'm soooo behind on everything" or "I don't have time to exercise",  or "I am starting over or getting back to my health and fitness on January 1st"? Ring a bell?

We all know that the holidays can bring extra responsibilities, shopping obligations, events and gatherings, food temptations and what seems to be longer days. Along with all of this comes the extra added stress that we ultimately put on ourselves as we try to do or be everything we think we should for everyone else. And ultimately, our workouts and healthy habits go by the wayside as we justify our way through the busy season.

But, think of what could happen and how December could be different in a less stressful, more positive and enjoyable way  if you took JUST 10 MINUTES A DAY TO DEDICATE TO YOUR HEALH AND FITNESS - Your Overall Fitness: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Intellectual and Spiritual? We all have the same 24 hours in a day and we all have 10 minutes that we can allocate to stay on track and keep up on our healthy habits and fitness routine. Or think of it as 10 minutes a day to preserve your sanity while surrounded by all of the business and noise.

So, my challenge to you is to offer the gift of daily health and fitness, just 10 minutes a day. Starting Dec. 1st, take just 10 minutes a day to unplug, move and care for your body. As I always recommend, Mix It Up and Have Fun With It! I've created a list of 10 things you can do to stay active, nourish your body, soul and mind throughout the month of December.

This simple 10 Minutes A Day Challenge will help you not only stay on track with your health and fitness, incorporate living a healthy lifestyle and not a short term diet fix, increase your energy and reduce your stress throughout the month, but hopefully you won't find yourself wallowing over the unwanted weight gain and having to start over - again- on January 1st.

Make this a new tradition and remember when it seems overwhelming to take charge of your health and fitness, just take it "One Bite At A Time"!