I hope this finds you relishing in the gift of a fresh new day and enlightened new year! If you're like most of us at the beginning of a new year, you've spent some time these last few days thinking about your goals, resolutions, dreams, desires and aspirations for 2018? What do you see when you envision living your best life?
That's me at the beach a couple of years ago surrendering, making peace with letting go of that which no longer served me and brining in all of the goodness in life. Today, I still take this surrendering and welcoming pose (bundled up in the wintery cold Indiana weather) and mindfully welcome in with gratitude all of the love, energy and new beginnings of 2018.
As we let go (I mean really let go of what no longer serves you, and any junk or negative energy) of 2017 and refresh into all of the new beginnings 2018 offers us, I encourage you to give yourself and those in your life the gift of being present - one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves and others. For it's by slowing down, embracing each moment and being mindful of who we want to BE, mindful of our choices,reactions and behaviors, that helps us rise UP into creating our best, healthiest, happiest, most inspired life.
Drawing on the wisdom of one of my favorite teachers, the late, great Dr. Wayne Dyer, from one of my favorite books, The Power of Intention, Ch. 3, he teachers us how to be more present and mindful. By sharing his teachings, my intention is to help give your guidance, wisdom, internal power and enlightenment as you approach the new year. One day at a time and "One Bite At A Time."
For 2018, what if you choose to be more present and more mindful in all that you think and do?
The new year is a good time to reset and ask yourself, "What do I see when I envision living my best life?" so you can make some changes and help live your life to the fullest. See if you can practice thinking differently. Decide very specifically what it is that you would like to change or improve upon in 2018. If you have some goals in mind, vow to work on them day by day rather than making them a year-long project.
Choose to BE someone who won't be one of 60% who give up or quit working on their goals by Feb. 1st!
When you set an intention day-to-day for yourself, you can begin living this way for the rest of your life. Remember this little piece of advice, which will be extremely helpful to you if you can incorporate it into your life:
When you go for one entire day without eating sugar or fast food, drinking soda or not smoking, or negative thinking or anny other unhealthy behavior, you are a totally different person at the end of that day!
What you must learn to do is let that totally different person decide on the second day whether to do it again on this new day, rather than letting the same old person decide today that it is going to be difficult in a couple of days anyhow, so what’s the use. Break the pattern once and for all! Always let the New You make the decision, and then you’ll be living more mindfully in your present moments - and thus in your life.
As you celebrate this new year, each precious moment and reflect on what you envision when you see yourself living your best life, here are 10 teachable reminders from Dr. Wayne Dyer to help you be more present and mindful:
- Remember that habits are changed by practicing new behavior. By practicing new thinking every five minutes, you’ll soon begin to master the art of present-moment living.
- Do an honest assessment of your “problems.” You’ll very likely discover that almost all of your problems are really in your head and not located in reality.
- Take time to be mindful of everything around you. Begin to look at your entire surroundings in a new light. Observe every detail on every face, every building and every object. If you do this often enough it will become a habit that will facilitate your being alive in every moment of the year.
- Change your attitude. Begin an attitude-redevelopment plan. That means practice enjoying everything you do.
- Be specific about what you want and take action. Decide on one thing that you would like to work on and do it today. Work at it daily, rather than making it a long-range objective.
- Create a self-improvement agenda for yourself. Put on your agenda whatever activities you’ve always thought about but never had time to do. Do them now.
- Rid yourself of mundane chores that are not really that important. Spend more time making your life a pleasure.
- Eliminate procrastination as a lifestyle. Instead of talking to yourself about what you are going to do next week or even tomorrow, use this time to start a new task.
- Don’t give up control of your life to others. You cannot enjoy the present moment if you are busy trying to make everyone else like you. People respect you more when you operate from a position of strength and self-reliance.
- Feel good about yourself. You are a magnificent human being. Always feel good about that self that you are always with.
Cheers to a new year, new beginnings and a new you! With Love and Light, Susan